Directors and Management Team

Chairman and Non-Executive Director

Mr. Wong Chung Tak, Richard JP is the founder of our Group. Mr. Wong has over 30 years of experience in property investment and management in Hong Kong and has been responsible for overall strategic planning of the Group since its establishment. He has worked in investment and financial companies and has solid experience in corporate development strategies and corporate operation management as well as market and project development.

Mr. Wong has garnered various social awards from Hong Kong St. John Ambulance for his constant contributions, including Duke of Gloucester St. John Serving Brother Medal (awarded by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom) in 2002, Long Service Medal in 1999 and 1st to 4th Long Service Medal Bar in 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 respectively.  He was appointed by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region as Justice of the Peace in 2017.

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