Directors and Management Team

Chief Executive Officer

Mr. Wong Man Yeung, Ryan joined the Group since 2014. He has experience in property investment in Hong Kong and is responsible for operations of the property department. He acts as a representative for the Company in dealing with internal stakeholders.  He contributes to the day-to-day management of the property department and chairs the leasing committee of the Company. Mr. Wong had previously served as senior house officer of Royal Free Hospital London in the United Kingdom from 2012 to 2014.

Mr. Wong obtained a Bachelor degree of Science from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine to the University of London (United Kingdom) and also admitted to be an associate of the Royal College of Science by the Council of the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine in 2007. In 2012, Mr. Wong obtained a Bachelor degree of Medicine and a Bachelor degree of Surgery from the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom) and a registered medical practitioner of General Medical Council.

Mr. Wong has been actively involved in community services, he is a member of HKSAR Action Committee Against Narcotics Sub-committee on PE&P, a member of HKSAR Registration of Persons Tribunal, a member of HKSAR Advisory Panel on Vetting of Amusement Games/Machines, a member of HKSAR Appeal Board on Public Meetings and Processions, a member of HKSAR the Nursing Council of Hong Kong, a member of the Hospital Governing Committees of Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital, a member of HKUST Institutional Advancement and Outreach Committee and also a Corps Vice President of Hong Kong St John Ambulance.

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